Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Garden savings

Why social insurance authorities do not emit preschoolers to rest a penny
For this week started the first shift in suburban recreational camps regional center. Specialists estimated, they have had a rest over four thousand children.
On the organization of summer holidays our children correspondent "RG" explained deputy head of administration Barnaul Boris Chernichenko.
Russian Newspaper | Boris Alexeyevich, how much it costs to send a child in the health camp?
Boris Chernichenko | Full price stays - 7400 rubles. For a long time payment scheme byudzhetnikov exhaust. Fifteen per cent share of the parent, 50 per cent payment assumes social insurance, the rest rose means the municipal budget. If parents do not byudzhetniki, the proportion of the budget paid by companies in which they operate. In order to pay 50 percent of stay has assumed social insurance, enterprise or entrepreneur should conclude a special treaty.
WP | But the 7400 rubles - this is the price stays not for everyone. Apparently, the camps are divided on the degree of comfort?
Chernichenko | Price tour does not depend on this, but of whether or not departmental camp. At camp, which is owned railway, the price stays reaches 9 thousand rubles. "Dzerzhinets" was subordinate GUVD. Three years ago the cost of trips reaches 12 thousand rubles. They distributed them. But for their employees, these trips were cheaper. Private camps can also vary the price. Generally, the cost of travel is defined boundary Coordination Commission. I can say for sure that all the camps, regardless of when -
Boris Chernichenko: Primary health care are factored in pre-school age.
nadlezhnosti, will be very good nutrition. There may, of course, get abusive and cooks. But as a rule, chiefs of the camps is very tough to come by those teams, which received the complaint. Cooks mostly from schools. During the summer we give them work. The Chiefs camps know who are taking. Monitoring diet - hard. In virtually every camp resident fellow Rospotrebnadzora. From food poisoning children are protected adequately.
WP | A that this year is proposed for the city preschoolers? Chernichenko | For preschoolers three years and older will work camp "Sosnyachok". There shells summed hot water, heating, rebyatishki live in spacious buildings. They do not eat in a common dining room - bring food. Such children's houses in the province, only two, the second is under Rubtsovskom.
WP | No need for them is probably very high? Previously, children's testimony was very common ...
Chernichenko | The problem is how to contain them. Social insurance has not doshkolyat at a penny. Molev, let rest preschoolers engage municipalities. I do not understand the decision of the State. Fundamentals of health care are factored in pre-school age. Arte, on the contrary, we should devote more public attention.
WP | What about the safety of children from foreign persons? How selected staff camp? Chernichenko | In recreational camps are located militia positions with round-the-clock duty. State educators formed from people with teacher education students. Any adult is inappropriate behaviour towards the child shall be made public.
WP | How to protect children from "bullying"?
Chernichenko | Everything depends on education. One of stringent requirements: a plan of work with children should schedule in advance. The quality control of this work senior counselors, chief of the camp, checking the department of education. In each stack is screen where the child is one of three colors indicates their daily mood. Main: that children receive positive emotions.
WP | A few years ago was the case, a girl in the camp was diagnosed incorrectly. All ended deplorable…
Chernichenko | Yes, it happened in the out-camp "Berezka", a girl was meningitis ... But I must say that such incidents occur very rarely, in general, the quality of work of doctors do not have sinned. In children's camps are working professionals from urban clinics. They are constantly instruct educators how to deal with this or that case. The camp has a machine which, if necessary, bring the child to the nearest health centre.
WP | pliers pokusayut not our children?
Chernichenko | Treatments against mite have been everywhere. But even without them tick danger was low in spring, affect previous events of this kind. Over the past five years there have been no to a child bites mites in the camp.
Vitaly talked Dvoryankin
Total operating Barnaul for children 16 and 102 urban-town summer camps. The number of suburban camps could fall - one of the industrial city intended to put departmental camp for sale, and boundary management MOE unexpectedly waived the content of the camp "Young rescue". But the authorities managed to agree on both sites. They will work with the second season.
Town camps operate from June 2. During the summer they have had a rest more than six thousand students. In the city for three summer months, thousands of children improve 14-15.

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