Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The urgency patient

Is it possible to reduce the burden on professionals "ambulance"
Doctors emergency medical Severodvinsk assistance must maintain order 63 thousand calls a year, virtually the same load them - about 74 thousand. Such a situation I in other municipalities of the region.
How efficiently and to better help people in need of emergency care physician, discussed yesterday in Arkhangelsk on scientific and practical conference "Priorities for ambulance service Arkhangelsk region at the present stage".
According to the specialists "emergency", most likely cause "ambulance service" people suffering from cardiovascular diseases (they come every fourth call). Also, parents often treat young children or elderly.
Only in Arkhangelsk for the year served over 150 thousand calls. In Severodvinsk - half, but still longer than planned loads.
According to chief doctor ambulance station Severodvinsk Elena Pavlova, in 2003 only every second challenge was served on time. Now 90 per cent of medical crews arrive on the scene within 15 minutes. Substantive help patients is not possible without the normal techniques. Fleet area stations helped improve the implementation of the national project "Health". For example, the station received Arkhangelsk, Russia with 27 cars in 2006 - Park upgraded by 67 per cent.
Specialists of "emergency" feel that reducing the flow of applications of citizens contribute to the promotion of healthy lifestyles, timely preventive check-ups at the precinct doctor.
Another promising option - telephone counseling. In Arkhangelsk already two years at the operational center of the station "ambulance" works medical advisory bureau. During this time, came here 24 thousand hits. Departure specialist at the house needed only seven per cent of cases. However, while this form of work with patients is only used in the regional capital.

Svetlana Artemova

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