Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Milk polygon

Forthcoming Promyshlennovskom area NAchNET act in full force unusual structure - the first in the Kuzbass dairy technology site.
His organizers jointly by the local consumer cooperative agricultural surplus to collect milk from the public and raypo-trebsoyuz.
Creating a polygon is still only at the first stage of their practical solutions, but the results of his work has been eagerly awaited ANIMAL many areas of Kuzbass.
According to Valery Lazutkin, the head of the cooperative, now Promyshlen-novsky district is willing to develop new methods of work with dairy raw materials (primarily - to do processing), especially since it here every year becomes more and more.
This is a non-profit enterprise to provide services to the personal collection of milk farmstead - a dairy cooperative - appeared in the municipality in 2004. During the first year of cooperative work were able to collect 630 tons of milk in 12 locations, covering more than 300 personal subsidiary farms. And now 14 milk tanker every morning appear in 55 remote villages Promysh-lennovskogo and Leninsk-Kuznetsk areas podezzhaya courtyard to two thousand sdatchikov and taking their daily 30 tons of milk "surplus". At the end of last year in these two areas were collected 3096 tons of milk - 52 percent of the total received in the Kuzbass from the public. When these figures were announced at the recent All-Russian rural converge in Barnaul and the conference in Novosibirsk, many livestock Zauralya recognized that this has not yet been met. What many Siberian regions for the month do not collect milk as much as promyshlennovtsy brought in for processing in the day. It turned out that this is not the limit.
-- As a result of a 200 year we were invited to Moscow to the report, parliamentary hearing on the State Duma - told Valery V.. -- And now we are ready to declare that in 2008 plan to increase the collection of raw milk from farmers to five thousand tons. So much milk from two areas yet no one had ever received!
Through managed to maintain a "dairy" growth? According to specialists, in this case was found acceptable to the cooperative and farmstead owners of personal development formula:
-- First, for years we have earned the trust, paying regularly for each liter of milk a good price - 9 rubles - explains Valery Lazutkin. -- Second, understand that any cooperative society such as ours, can not exist alone. The effective life need a substantial base. Therefore, we have to cooperate with the Consumer year - the oldest structure, it has a long experience with people and established tradition. This gives us an opportunity to provide fodder for cattle farmers, farm machinery, milking machines, large tanks for cooling milk and even burenkami. And owners of personal subsidiary farms in turn calculated with us milk. They are profitable, and we - as well.
If today is good farmstead can prepare for the delivery of up to 100 litres of milk per day, the daily profit in the rural family is 900 rubles. Given that the cow "works" without weekend, a monthly income of up to 2 thousand rubles. Not a bad salary for the village! At such money could be further developed. But this possibility, unfortunately, there are only a few areas of Kuzbass, where dairy cooperatives with large amounts available under sideways powerful processors. For instance, as Promyshlennovsky molzavod. It is the largest supplier pays a good price for raw materials, which the villagers are satisfied. And what to do, say, a farmstead in Belovskom Izhmorskom or areas where the milk is, and nowhere to sit him? The same promyshlennovsky cooperative collect milk from izhmorskih villagers could not - too far, it zakisnet on the road.
-- We decided to try to imagine a complete cycle of work with milk - explained Valery Lazutkin - and now intend not only to collect milk from a farmstead, but also develop its processing and will to carry through the same network Consumer, which exists in every district. To do so, for lending the money we have acquired a mini-factory, estimated the economic impact of its work and mechanisms of return over time. Theoretically, we are satisfied. And what will actually - time will tell. But I know that many dairy cooperatives field failed only because of a lack of "supports", ie processor. And if we get all conceived - will be able to take advantage of our experience, such as cooperatives with other territories field. And then LPH owners of the most remote settlements, we will say "thank you".

Alexey Shmidt,
Chapter Promyshlennovskogo area:
-- The policy of our agricultural area is more aimed at supporting rural producers. Judge for yourselves: our farmers now receive a day for 11 tons of milk more than last year. Therefore, we annually at the expense of the municipal district is financially opportunity to date purchase milk from the population at 30 kopecks per liter of milk for raw materials.
I suppose that when a local dairy cooperative otshlifuet new scheme of work with dairy raw materials, will begin its own processing, procurement price of milk with personal farmstead will be higher. It is heartening that the leadership of this cooperative is looking for new and contemporary forms of development, seeking to withdraw from their products on the market, and this will eventually raise the economy of not only the enterprise, but also every LPH.

Eugene Rachkov,
Deputy Chairman of the Board oblpotrebsoyuza production and harvesting:
-- In Promyshlennovskom area created the best model, completing a cycle of collecting and processing milk. They have already visited the leaders of agricultural and consumer cooperatives Prokopevskogo Izh-sea areas to explore local experiences. They Similar cooperatives have already been established earlier, but has long been trampled on the ground without development - too many emerging issues, ranging from documents and finishing practice. Now neighbors of cooperative work with his own eyes saw quite a profitable enterprise. As a result prokopchane have already begun to collect up to 20 tons of raw milk per day (for them is already record!), But izhmortsy chose a different strategy - have begun to operate under the auspices of local potrebsoyuza not, and heads of rural areas. As can be seen, in any case communion colleagues already gives positive results.

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