Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Pressure on Track

The pilot project for the prevention of hypertension will save the lives of six thousand yuzhnouraltsev
The new project on the prevention of cardiovascular diseases this year will be spent 11 million rubles. However, prevention programs do not provide treatment for patients.
Back in Chelyabinsk FOMS last year launched a pilot project to combat hypertension. It was expected that doctors will still Precinct closely monitor their patients to measure pressure and seek the risk factors for each patient: smoking, excess weight, physical activity. Naturally, that additional burden on the physician is paid separately. So far, the draft tested at three sites: in Chelyabinsk GKB № 3 and in district hospitals and Korkino Sosnovki. The results of the experiment proved before impressive that the project decided to strongly expand and increase funding.
Meanwhile, cardiologists give our region disappointing forecasts: the field of population in 2026 will decline by 400 thousand people. And the fault to including disorderly relevant to their health: doctors held a special monitoring and found that only 11 per cent of the population regularly monitors its pressure. Physicians have decided that it was time to put on hypertension state control. Naturally, the draft starts and looks at the economic effect. If that one ruble invested in the program would save 2.5 ruble: doctors prevented the development of the disease, people "do not sat down at the hospital", does not become disabled, and continues to work.
However, representatives FOMSa no secret and controversial moments. For example, with the main fighters
Precinct therapists have hypertension. They are not bad extra cost for a new job: last year, each experimental plot (a doctor and nurse) received on 50 thousand roubles. But therapists already have extra money through natsproekta… Nevertheless, according to vice-governor of Chelyabinsk region Romana Panova, "if the result will be, we are willing to pay for it and expand the programme".
The results really are. So far, in a pilot group of patients at three sites included seven million people. Physical therapists have become interested in diagnosing hypertension, three times more frequently than usual: if the pilot areas identified 213 cases of hypertension per thousand population, the average for the area - 65. A 66 per cent of patients participating in the project, the pressure returned to normal (normal figure - 11). Another strong indicator: the patients in the pilot areas to get involved stopped the ambulance service. Number of emergency calls dropped half as much, disability cases - almost two. The methods by which doctors are making such statistics have been extremely simple. It tells Elena Varnavskaya, chief doctor TSRB Korkino, to start therapist and a nurse went three-day training course at the Department of Urals State Medical Academy of additional education (UGMADO). In the lab doctor put scales, rostomer and ECG machine. Final figures speak for themselves: es -
whether before the start of the project on accounting dispansernom with hypertension were 40 people, today has 122.
For the best vyyavlyaemosti Korkino all patients - those that call for the first time in the clinic - now send in pre-medical examination room, measuring pressure. If it is not the norm - to the therapist. And already the same will follow: whether it is off excess pressure.
-- Now making a false impression - Panov said Roman, vice-governor of Chelyabinsk region - that as this project is implemented a set of medical action, which already must be conducted in the office of the therapist. But we have to make a simple calculation: if a project will work at least two years if the heads of municipalities will help, then at each site can be saved four lives. In 1600 plots, that means six million people did not die from hypertension.
Now decided that the programme to combat cardiovascular diseases will be expanded from three to 103 sites throughout the area. Financing of each site will increase to 85 thousand rubles. Learn physicians and nurses new job will now not only in Chelyabinsk, but even in Magnitogorsk, and Satke Kyshtyme.
Estimated that this year doctors to measure pressure from at least 130 thousand people. Monitor the implementation of the programme will all levels of government: Head of the Municipality, Chief District Health Management, the chief medical doctor, an insurance organization of faculty and academic staff UGMADO.
But now doctors have many questions to the authors of the new programme. Still, little to determine that a person has hypertension, and put it to account. Few know that a person smokes, and weighs a lot of little moves - that is has all chances to get hypertension in the near future. Now these people need to heal, rebuild. In the same town of Korkino find a simple solution: head of the district has allocated money to ensure that doctors can give their patients hypotensive drugs - for free. Only in this way and we can make real and not a statistical effect from the program and really increase the life expectancy of the working population. However, the experience of Korkino may not become a model to be emulated elsewhere. Indeed, additional money for medicines for preventive treatment of patients in the budget FOMSa not provided. Hospitals will solve this problem themselves, expecting the same 85 thousand rubles that will come for hundreds of newly detected patients.

Emilia Volkova,
Chief cardiologist Chelyabinsk region:
-- A project to reduce the death rate from hypertension is very relevant. We are afraid of AIDS and tuberculosis, and die from diseases serdechnososudistyh! At the southern Urals in the five years the population has decreased by 113 thousand people. At half the people of working age, 45 - 54 years, high blood pressure. At the age of 55-64 years old already have 70 per cent of the population problem with pressure.

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