Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The principle of bulldozers

Coastal cottages will go under demolition
In Omsk began to demolish houses, built in floodplains Irtysh. Dismantle illegal owners will be built at their own expense.
Construction of country houses in the horticultural partnership "Zarya-1" began four years ago. People taking land for lease, received a positive opinion of environmental expertise and fill the foundation.
However, when the cottages To Grow Tall several floors, drew attention to the lawlessness rosprirodnadzora staff on the Omsk region. It turns out that development is taking place in the zone of urban water. Examination revealed - "there is a danger of causing irreparable harm nature, life and health of citizens". prirodoohranniki appealed to the court. Sluzhitel Femidy embarked on their side.
kuvaldami workers strike for bricks. With each blow omich Yuri egorov shortage of heart. He planted many trees grow son and, like most men, wanted to build a retirement house in nature. Oops.
-- The Soul of blood poured - egorov.-I breathe because several years on this building to blow. Literally on krupitsam started building a house. And when the window has already begun to embed and preparing new apartments - came bailiffs. why, for several years, nobody is interested in cottages - is unclear. We have all the documents. But the regional court rejected my complaint. In the margins were told - is useless to argue.
in the opinion of the chief specialist supervision department expert in the field of environmental Sacheka Alexander, owners of cottages evil.
-- They originally knew that building houses in prohibited place - argues prirodoohrannik. -- No, probably hoped that in future the city will abandon the old water supply network and switch to a new, which has already laid nearby. However, this did not happen. As a result, seven cottages were in the zone of sanitary protection, which is unacceptable.
A long time ignored the debtors exhibited bailiffs requirements.
-- Destroy the hard-built homes, so even at their own expense, not raised their hands - vzdyhayut owners of estates.
-- Dismantling the buildings began only after we have twice been subjected to one of the owners of administrative fines - said the court adhering Executive department on Leninsky district Olga pa-nyaeva. -- Two more omicha will have to demolish houses in the near future. Cases of the rest are still in court. if people refuse to execute the judgement on their savings, built dismantle the budgetary money. In any case, floodplains released.
And Yuri egorov with comrades in misfortune is already preparing a lawsuit to the Supreme Court.
-- First prirodoohranniki gave us good for construction. But then themselves have abolished it and, - Yegorov said. -- Why should we pay for the mistakes of environmentalists?

Direct Speech
Alexander Shcherbakov,
Head of Rosprirodnadzor for the Omsk region:
-- We intend to continue jurisprudence on illegal buildings demolished. Preserving such buildings violates the rights omichey to favorable environment.
Just the other day the court is fully satisfied our demands to dismantle Cossack zaimki vodoohranoy within the boundaries of the zone in the river Uy Tarskom area. At lands forest fund violated layer of fertile soil, cut down trees and divorce fires.
Currently on a number of developments carried out checks if they show violations - we again turn to the court of claims.

By the way
How many cottages built in Omsk in prohibited places, a correspondent of "WP" to find out it was not possible. Neither environmental agencies to answer this question were not able to. We know only that the number of such buildings to waddle over a hundred. This home in Chernoluche, Ust-Zaostrovke, cottage settlement for technical university, erected without regard to the hydrological effects, left-bank "cottages", which stand at the very edge of the water. Nevertheless demolish these buildings today, no one is planning, because after their construction deadlines expired decades ago.

Natalia Graf

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