Monday, September 22, 2008

Help with delivery

In the area arranged Belorechensk visiting the work of Social Protection Initiative
Residents of Bilogirsk area now will not have to travel to the district center and stand in line at the local Social Protection Administration.
Draft mobile stations for public service developed by the district administration in conjunction with the management of social protection.
- Since the city and district authorities merged Social Protection, a mass of problems - tells correspondent deputy head of district administration Belogorskogo Victoria Babyuk. - The quality of public services has deteriorated sharply, bursts of red tape and paper has become much more. we have decided that a better option than visiting the work we did not find it.
Previously, pensioners, the disabled and low-income people go to district center was difficult and costly. And sometimes occurred and such cases, can even a healthy person rasshatat nerves: a few hours away people in the queue, go on a long-awaited appointment with the employee Social Protection, and it turns out that the documents he brought with him or not, or does not the ones that need . Have to return to the village, then a second time to go to reception to the official in the city. Now all issues will be addressed next to the house.
We completed the creation of a computer database of all benefit recipients area from which workers and Social Protection will travel to the areas. By the way, a laptop for this purpose provided within one year of charity computer company. In the municipal budget for this money was not found. A service for car trips donated head area.
Incidentally, benefit recipients, Belogorskom villagers in the area almost five thousand. By the end of November, employees of Social Protection will visit all 15 rural area, are planning to travel twice a week. And in the future, perhaps sotsrabotniki will visit twice a month each, even a small village, where in the area 36.

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