Monday, September 22, 2008

Play on health

Immunity students will improve through innovation
The deputies of the regional Duma will soon consider a program to introduce new educational institutions enabling technologies, saving the health of schoolchildren.
The draft program is currently preparing specialists children's clinical hospital number 1.
Almost three years, the clinic doctors studied more than a thousand children aged six to 13 years, mostly pupils in primary classes Voronezh school number 47, using a new method for bio-feedback (BOS). Each identified variations in health. In particular, those that have never appeared outwardly. According to doctors, perhaps the most valuable method - early detection of disease, development of which is easier to prevent by appointing preventive treatment.
- The essence of biological feedback is simple and, indeed, effective. Before you treat, according to diagnosis, you should know the child's internal reserves, the state of the immune system. If it is at zero and organism can not cope with an internal malfunction, the drugs and procedures are unlikely to yield significant benefits. Diagnosis «reserves the body» with the help of breath and a special computer program does not require the usual tests or studies on the complex and not always safe vehicles. It is based on the method of Doctor of Medical Science from St. Petersburg Alexandra Smetankina the proper breathing - explained correspondent chief doctor Children's Clinical Hospital number 1 Doctor of Medical Sciences Anatoly Shvyrev.
Physician-speech school number 47 Irina Matraeva held specialization method BOS in St. Petersburg, tells how colleagues were able to easily convince its uniqueness. Teachers offered a personal screening with the help of breath.
- It was the end of the school year, like most teachers, I felt a little tired. A computer program showed that a pool of my health of the 89-year-old man. The course correction has helped «return» to their 40 with a slight. After that, if it was some distrust of the method, the example of their own in convince the effectiveness of all one hundred percent.
School number 47 received natsproektu «Education» a grant of one million rubles. The money, according to the school director Alexander Galkin, spent mainly on equipping the three health clinics, having procured computers, simulators breathing, special software, cardio-and-logoterapevtiches some equipment, specialized literature and textbooks.
This year students of the same primary school being re-examination. The program will give them lessons learned on the health of 17-hour course, two of which will be spent on diagnosis and the remaining 15 - to learn the proper breathing, consolidating the skills and correction of malfunctions in the body.
To the health of the lessons have been interested in boys and girls, they are held in the games. Students become parties to offer gaming software. For example, if correct scoliosis child manages virtual machine, and any tilt in the posture with the help of sensors prevents further «movement» car. The task «paint the fence» is performed without the aid of a mouse, it is important just to breathe.
But the fourth «g», where students do not bleschut health in the new school year, offered at full strength going for three weeks in a children's sanitarium at Chertovitsk. Therapeutic treatments agency is also working on a method of biological feedback.
In the method, according to Anatolia Shvyreva and initiator of the introduction of technology BOSa in Voronezh doctor Children's Hospital Anatoly Deineko, great future. A program should be massive. And among children - this is just the beginning.

Margarita Kinshina, chief pediatrician areas:
- Experience Chertovitskogo sanatorium in the method of bio-feedback in conjunction with rehabilitative measures actually showed positive momentum in strengthening the health of children. Developments doctors argue that proper breathing helps extend healthy life, helps with lung diseases, bronchial asthma, reducing the need for inhalers. There is a direct link between the correct breathing and heart. I hope that legislators will support the initiative of professionals, promote innovative technologies that will help preserve the health of children.

By the way
Breathing can be full and neglubokim when involved in only the upper part of the chest. That is so not full chest and breathes most residents of Earth. In a minority among those who breathe correctly - the Japanese. It is no coincidence that they are long: It has been proved that a full breath through the abdomen and expiration long (two times longer than inhale) could not contribute to a better flow of oxygen into the lungs and release the body of excess carbon dioxide.

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